En español
14234 SW 289th Terrace, Homestead, FL 33033 - PH 786 601 7773 - 786 230 7798 - FAX 305 675 3136 - Email: usa@atlanticforwarding.us



Our company

A owner directed Company started their activities in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1989. Principally moving agricultural and building equipment for the principals distributors in Uruguay of John Deere, Caterpillar, New Holland, International.

We are specialized in Project Cargo and Special equipment. In 1999 we opened our own company in Miami, FL, USA centralizing all the movements from the U.S, Canada and Mexico to Latin America markets.

As we have own offices between U.S. A and Uruguay, and Customs Brokers in both countries, we can handle directly export and import shipments between Uruguay and U.S.A in the fast, economical, and most efficient way that any other company.

Our Worldwide Network Agents is one of the most reliable chain of transport professionals.




Atlantic Forwarding Service

  USA: 14234 SW 289th Terrace, Homestead, FL 33033 - 786 601 7773 - 786 230 7798 - FAX 305 675 3136 - Email: usa@atlanticforwarding.us
URUGUAY: Av. Libertador Lavalleja 1624/301 - Montevideo, Uruguay - Ph 598 2 900 6917 - 099 639 205 - Email: uruguay@atlanticforwarding.us